repeat button

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by slippy2012, May 28, 2014.

  1. i wonder how much trouble it be for the devs to add repeat button during war or pvp feel free to leave your comments
  2. No. I don't like the idea of someone pinning me before I get anything in my news feed. This would be even worse in a war
  3. A repeat button onwars would give those with fast internet an even bigger advantage than they already do
  4. That is a dumb idea, war is about seeing who is faster...etc. Why would they add a repeat button? That would make it just like EBs. No.
  5. A repeat button for PvP is not a good idea, as it would reduce your target to zero before he/she had a shot at defending them selves. No supoort on thst one, although a repeat button on EBs was a fantastic imorovement
  6. Moose, wth ? Rainbow ?

    On topic, do you think a fast pc vs laggy phone is fair? It would be worse with a repeat button.
  7. I am changing my text colour. From this day forward, I will be conversing in rainbows. As per usual, I have my reasons, which will be made apparent soon enough ;-)
  8. This whole games system works off internet speeds anyway lol.

    Moose is turning into a kaw mod. Not just forum..
    I think.
  9. What the **** did I just see?
  10. Oh yah, a stupid idea! Lolz
  11. Moose was already a mod lol.
  12. Moose, smoking skittles, don't ya?
  13. They don't do this, because it would be too easy for some to create bots to auto-hit people. Same reason you have to go through two clicks to do another quest
  14. I agree what moose saying! If u good u know how u can make fast attack with out repeat action buttom. no more comment
  15. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupidstupidstupid idea
  16. Looool :D don't need that!!!
  17. i dig the rainbow, moose. :p
  18. I actually like the idea
  19. Id even go as far as saying in PvP there should be a 30 seconds wait time at least for attack actions (less for spy). Think about it. It's the arrival time of your troops. Itd maybe even make things more tactical.

    Think about it.. Atm it's... I'm gonna attack you. Let me jst move thousands of soldiers to wherever your at and take your gold and come back
  20. No support...if cannot hit buttons then u prolly like bots also