Clan promo

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ---Fogfighter---, May 27, 2014.

  1. Instead of tearing clans apart with these egg/moth/feather hunts.. Wouldn't it be nice to try to keep the clans together and do a clan based promo with clan rewards instead of eq rewards.. I sure would like that..
  2. Support, would keep pepl from clan hopping to get all these equips.
  3. That is a really good idea lol
  4. Support. Would love to see a promo designed to encourage clan loyalty and team building.
  5. Use more color, No Support
  6. Very nice idea, support.
  7. Support to the idea, no support to the guy who didn't support
  8. Support. Needs more detail and information though.
  9. That is a great idea. all these promos encourage ppl to clan hop and clans lose a few ppl in every promo. IF youre gonna have a clan based game, wld be great to do a promo that actually brings clans together for a change. You go Fog :D
  10. No support.
  11. of course I can make the idea bigger but where do I put for devs to read..?? because I do got ideas for it but it would be nice with a respond from devs that they have seen it anyway I'd I'm going to put some time in it..
  12. And u who doesn't like it please tell me why instead of just being negative...
  13. This is funny. Ee wars were supposed to promote clan unity. It used to be that you lost ee when you left a clan. But the masses cried too much and devs changed that. Yes promos or events that promoted clan unity would be a welcome addition.
  14. Support! Please go into more detail.