Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Well regular cs blows both outa the water mango^
  2. Of course Midnight, but you are limited in regular cs to how many lands you have (with the total obviously being 74)
  3. Regular cs also drops as you use up your bars so dits irrelevant to the whole equation.
  4. I just received 5 different flag cloth things after finishing an eb...? What are these used for and how do I use them?
  5. They are used for upgrading the banners you'll need the following
    Banner cloth
    Banner metal
    Bronze bar
    You'll need to also go to the Mage (unlocked at castle level 3[unlocked after 12 highlands are purchased])
  6. Does an eb drop those^ AND eggs?

    Under T6?
  7. Someone post 'war #5 from goofy' on the wall of the first post on my wall
  8. Do you have any tips on running a clan please reply
  9. Go look at the threads in the Clans and Alliances section of the forum
  10. what is sh and shs and how is it related to ee? anything else i need to know about ee since season 2 if i wanted to join an ee clan?
  11. It's shadow hansle
    48 SOS level 1rest up to you
    You basically earn loads of money and they don't plunder much
  12. You can have less than 48 SOS to be a SH.
  13. True Emeth but a pure SH has 48 SoS with 1 attack building, which is what he was referring to
  14. Actually 49 sos lvl with 1-3 hf attk building is the most common
  15. i have a question, and that question is........ where is the bloody bathrolm?
  16. Me noob need help follow or wall :D
  17. @Dyl we keep it to the left.

    @Colt I've followed :)
  18. What does necro bump mean?