Egg Hunt Equip Enchantment

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Cruz, May 27, 2014.

  1. Hello, I believe this is the first actual thread I have made so please bare with me. We all know the devs have released another promo hunt, which I am not all that for like many others. Apparently from the anti-thread support and the length already passed this event will finish on out as well.

    Now on to the rewards hopefully the stats will be worth our while which is highly unlikely, but I am proposing the equipment we receive not reset below the level we earned it at. Yes, the enchanting rate should be consistently low, so people who earned the higher tiers are not so easily reached. However, there is no point in the levels dropping below the one we earned them at, and having to spend all the rewarded aqua and inferno just to get back to the starting mark. I am expecting some criticism so trolls fire away
  2. The quetzal equip has never dropped or reset on me despite trying 30odd times to get it to +11. I'd hope dragon equip is same
  3. I hope its worth getting top 5000 eq as apposed to lower tier but fully enchanted
  4. Dude it's not Christmas don't post in forums
  5. No, terra has done nothing. There will be more future events as always, remember a lot of people actually do love these events , it's easier to complain then to say something nice, expecially over the internet, 500 supporters, about 100 event supporters, and where's the rest of kaw? They don't care, or actually like the event,