Death of an app.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by EV_FREIGHT_IL, May 26, 2014.

  1. Tis true. Volleying is a new way to make bank. An easy 3bil can be made in 10mins from a simple newb volley to 40b. Newbs need allies for plunder as well. My alt did well with that.

    And yea this game is completely hollow. Nothing in it, no sense of fulfillment. Devs do, indeed, need to come up with a better strategy. Hunts? No. Maybe go back to your drawing boards from when kaw was a great idea in your head and bring back those ideas, revise them, and make kaw fun again.
  2. No clue what you mean Phera.. Kaw is pretty damn fun
  3. It's still in top grossing on my market so it's doing good. It couldn't stay in top forever sometimes new stuff comes out. Research before making assumptions
  4. Atleast kaw community responded...
  5. I'm comparing kaw to the older version. Sure we have cool feats now but as simple as it was back then there was just something more that added a spark to it.
  6. Oh yes that's right. It was the few restrictions we had back then.
  7. I think kaw does well. Still in top and doesn't spam ads. Kaw hasn't needed to put ads because we spread the news well enough to get more players. Maybe we are the ones slacking .