I came up with Ideas for ad control. There should be an ad chat, where are clans have to pay speakers, to put out ads. The more speakers they use the further up in the list the ads would be placed. It would be best if the speakers could be added over time. Also it should be against the rules of word chat, to send ads there. If people want to attract members to their clan, that can post on the players wall instead. I have found that people are Much more likely to join a clan from wall posts. These would help mods to police the comments, and would thoroughly improve the gaming experience. Post your thoughts below. Thanks, Squillbill.
While I do concede that recruiting is much more effective on walls, world chat isn't worth saving. I have seen world chat before the massive ads/spam, and it really was not all it was made to be. Basically a bunch of people saying hi, sexually laced messages, and lost conversations due to the limited display space.
I don't think I understand...there's a list that you pay speakers as a clan to post your ad on? The more speakers the higher up the list? Also you state the best way to attract people Is to wall them adds? So why suggest a whole new "ad chat"?
-Shadowassassin- : These are good points, but Kaw has made improvements since these issues. People are not even aloud to state their gender anymore. I think people enjoy talking on world chat, as they can meet new people Also -_Hulk_- : The point is to make world chat for chatting again, which is near impossible with the amount of ad spam. And clans would continually spend the speakers, to make their clan more noticeable.
quoting because white is invisble to all iphone users (and possibly droid, i dunno) ad chat is an idea that has been tossed around and supported for years with no response from the devs.
My bad Thanks for pointing it out. And also, we can still hope. We Just need to get enough support for the Ideas, and people posting the positives as well as the Issues. And their will be a warning from the clans about ad posting.
What if I told you I had conversation on wc before :shock: crazy right and all I had to do was... Wait for it... Wait for it ... Talk to sombody else and ignore the ads. Problem solved. I never get why people get so frustrated with ads if you miss it scroll up out some effort into it
Snowman, Why should people have to put in so much effort? It is hard to understand what is going on in the conversations. As I stated earlier, This would help the moderators to make world chat.
Awwww boo hoo you have to put effort into something awwww you want me to give you money and so you don't have to work because that takes effort. Please
What is your problem? Unlike you, I'm trying to IMPROVE the game. It's Just a suggestion. What don't you like about my idea? You haven't suggested any improvements, or stated why you don't like it.
I don't see anything wrong with it if you didn't get that from my other post and plus there are other things to worry about other than the "problem" of wc
You still fail to grasp that a self-deleting channel is an awful space for the entire community to hold conversation.
There ain't nothing wrong with wc. The ads make it colourful and alive. It invites conversation and again : WC ROULETTE?!? Picking on people who put out certain ads for ebs, CS req or even which ad has a certain emoji in it. Ads are a way to find ebs faster. Leave wc alone ain't nothing wrong with it. Stay outta wc. You don't have to be in it.
Whats to stop individules from just not using it ..nothing. Without clan ads all wc would be is pervs and people looking for war or asking for a volley or buying/selling allies. WC isnt as interesing a place as people imagine it