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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Can volaries be put on Lowlands? I was told doing so hurts your overall plunder but it has not been confirmed. If anyone could answer on my wall it be much appreciated. Thank You.
  2. Volaries cannot be placed in Lowlands. They are HighLands exclusive.
  3. How do you get the hoarfrost lands?
  4. You have to explore 15 Highlands in order to start your exploration of the Hoarfrost.
  5. Only 15 ???

    Don't. U mean 20?
  6. No, 15 highlands for unlocking HF. Nothing is unlocked at 20.
  7. 15 highlands, yes
  8. So half way through hl u unlock hoarfrost
  9. Why are u silenced V ?
  10. Got silenced One time cuz i wrote my allies name in wc is that even wrong
  11. Yes, you're giving out someone else's personal details.
  12. Incorrect, you may have been silenced because that allies name had a bypass in it.
  13. I believe he's meaning his allies real name, so yes it would be wrong.
  14. What would be good name to change to like chaos death etc
  15. Can someone bump or locate that thread for selling allies?
  16. I don't know if this is the thread you're looking for, but the "Ally Trading Guide" is stickied under the Guides section...
  17. Yeah.