Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by CRAT0S, May 23, 2014.

  1. This is a great idea! Full support!
  2. Cmon devs! U know this is a good idea!!!
  3. Lots of supporters
  4. No support >.< It definitely isnt a huge issue they should be worried about. Especially with these new expensive builds, its not an awesome idea to add more money to work on getting- changing builds around ontop of it -_-
  5. They have not to be wortied about it noob lol. Its just a good suggestion
  6. Dude you dont make a ******* update request and not expect feedback.

    Sorry next time I'll post no support without a reason.
  7. I dont expect an update or a feedback, i WOULD LIKE an update with this implement.
    And ur reason is just crappy. Impressive how noobs have big stats nowadays
  8. Dude go get a life. No support to your low effort idea.

    Where is your proof that this will even add more strategy to the game? Add more effort why should devs care about an idea they probably thought about when they made this damn game.

    You are stupid. They arent just going to up and change spy builds on every lands and make ppl back track when they put so much into everyone getting ahead. They wont implement this, if they do OP ill reset my going on 5 years account.
  9. Wht a retard...ppl supported this, u r the ONLY idiot tht is not supporting this, ofc devs thougnt about it already, but it still stays an interesting idea.
    U r the one that plays since 5 years ahah YOU r the one who needs a life.

    Keep supporting ppl. He is just a nooby geek
  10. To be fair kill zone, I don't think they worry terribly about people having to backtrack (source, EE, sh/gh debacle)
  11. Thx. U just made my point rio.
  12. Lmao your just mad because you arent getting all the glory of everyone supporting your thread.

    Grow up OP with every Support prepare for a no support.

    And I'm not the only one not supporting, devs were first fool.
  13. Rio and to be fair hansels already are the best plunder makers with low spy cs why give them higher cs to make even more plunder than an attack build? Might as well tell everyonr its Spies At War.

    Again NO SUPPORT
  14. Support, it seems a good idea. Waiting for a response from kaw admin
  15. Reported for bypass.
  16. U bypassed on page 3 as well bro ;) u ass....
  17. Lmao. Yes. Hes right on that do not report if u baypass too
  18. No, I was censored you just bypassed througha sensor.