Dear Yafi and NA why the hell do you both need a reason to fight? Stop talking on these ridiculous attention seeking threads by phil and just hit. Just thought I would say something obvious. Good bye.
Do I need to point out that you can't read and posting an untruth again? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Seriously.... the lack of reading comprehension skills is apparent in many here. :roll: :roll: :roll: Seriously aghast at the number of irresponsible small stats liars that post untruths :roll:
Appleseed I can read well, but maybe you should ask me what I'm saying if you don't understand what I'm talking about . When I read my post I see me saying yafi asked NA to cf for Los what's untrue about that if you said that in your own words. But no matter what it still not a good look for Los .
Propaganda minister I can only say WOW I am so speechless how u act Even better Harrier is YAFI council then I know and will change my terms so YAFI council is responsible for threaten NA I need to work do I can't sit in this sandbox answer your all different angles u twisting but I will answer when I get less work. Obvious you are delirious but then again I did see u next door on the mental hospital all NA are locked up on But you seem they forgot give you medicin this week pls take a hell lot of meds so u get back to this globe we all can earth Myself I get my daily meds each morning that's why I am so nice and tender to you dear me propaganda minister