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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I haven't got any level 5 yet but from what I'm hearing from level 1-5 it's approximately 950b
  2. 50bil lvl 1
    150bil lvl2
    200bil lvl3
    250bil lvl4
    300bil lvl5
  3. Would it be worth my while, eb and war wise, to convert to ps?
  4. Ps grows like an oak tree, and assn plunder is horrendous. Basically tossed aside for osw, only possible plus is ee, but theyre easy to ko and not much good.
  5. My elbows hurt from kawing... any suggestions for ergonomic kawing?
  6. Have a small attack building so you can do EBs then drop it for EE wars
  7. @Zombie What do u play on, PC?

    If so switch to a mobile device so your elbows feel better but your thumbs might hurt
  8. Who was the winner of the 2014 farmfest?
  9. frost-bite-wolf won farmfest, and CanadianGal won the Big Kahuna award.
  10. Has anyone else seen the "SPRAGGA LIVES!" EB listed at the bottom of the EB best times list?
  11. Yes, I believe it was a test eb considering the only clan to have completed it was just kaw_community's
  12. I thought it was an April fools by the devs? I was gone that day but that's what I was told
  13. Nvm it was an april fools by the devs lmao i wasn't there either but i was a good assumption right?
  14. Yes, it was an April Fool's prank by the devs. It's like three down in my clan Eb history atm :lol:
  15. Is the new feather equipment broken?

    Mine just keep failing but never resets.
  16. I believe the Devs set it so it couldn't reset, just fail. I could be wrong though. I can bump the thread where the answer would be if you would like!
  17. All allies for sale need to buy last lowland land got 3.7 bill in allies all different price ranges.
  18. Any quick way to get unsilenced from kaw ( 3rd offence perm block)
  19. Quick way- make a new acc

    Longer way, wait the 6months :3