Alternate Event Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by OMET0TCHLIIl, May 22, 2014.

  1. I like the idea, it would cut down on the complaining.
  2. Or use items already implemented in the game (nobs) and make those drop from ebs?
  3. Better than equip as it gives u a choice full 100% support from mighty :D
  4. Good idea, at least then people can choose the rewards they want and not get a preset pile of garbage they don't want
  5. I will update this list later with supporters
  6. I really like this idea. This way people can chose what they want. If you don't want the equip, you can have X amount for aqua / inferno / whatever you like instead. At least that way you know what you are getting for your time.
  7. I hate the idea that a number of people get a BP. Some can't spend the time to do that so why bother spending our time for us to just have to get the next worst equip
  8. Support from a mod
  9. Support. Nice idea. And well presented.
  10. Great idea support.
  11. Having an event shop like the idea here is something we've considered, however it would require a large amount of development time to essentially create another currency system and item shop, as well as to make it easy to swap out rewards with each event.

    It's not that it's impossible, and it's an idea I personally like as it gives you the power to choose your own rewards, but our sentiment right now is that there are other areas to focus development time towards. Note that the current system for events doesn't actually require any active development time.
  12. Support
  13. @KaW_Community

    Believe me, we can tell
  14. @kaw If you put it into the marketplace then it would be like any other item. Why can't you just take the codes for other items and replace things like: currency, picture, stats (etc). After the first time it shouldn't be that hard. I'm no coding expert but just my two cents
  15. Can't just copy paste code as every number for each item has to be entered

    And codes go like this


    Not an actual but about how big they are no imagine doing that for hours on end for each reward
  16. And that's just the code not the rest

    So a lot of work is needed