Egg tracker

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Moose2, May 21, 2014.

  1. Got 16 on reckoning
  2. I got 42 in Smoke Signals
  3. Hte I got 1
  4. Rotw has been dropping 50-62 a time.

    Currently testing for the minimum actions needed.
  5. So it seems only several T4 and below are dropping and only 1 T6?...
  6. Has anyone seen any drop from haunts?
  7. 55 from revenge
  9. pretty sure we all know it will be the eb's that cost real money that drop the most as usual! SMH!
  10. I normally get 70 eggs per HTE.
  11. Okay i'm doing b2b hte now.
    All I had to do for an unlimited stay was use my seal from the feather hunt.
  12. Well said Dundee, I dun care personally, but why ruin it for those that do. Moose thanks for making the thread for others to utilize
  13. BR dropping about 25 eggs per EB
  14. 69 on HTE
  15. I've gotten 0 out of the possible 0 I could have gotten.

    0/0 = 100%.

    I have 100% of all eggs. xD