my solution to the problem.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IlIlll_Farrcodile_Dundee_lIIlI, May 21, 2014.

  1. Hey guys! Been a while since I last wrote an ideas thread but bear with me. The issue of the hunts seem to be dividing kaw, and it's filling up forums with all the same arguments. So I figured, hey, I may as well make one too. So here is my idea to remove some of the issues revolving around the hunts.

    the opt in spell.

    I propose the developers add a spell which, when cast, opts you in for events. This spell allows you to participate in the event and receive drops as rewards. It can be cast at any time during the event, but you will only receive drops for wars and epic battles done after casting.

    issues and possible solutions

    Issue one: What about those who don't know about the spell? They may not realise it is there and won't cast it excluding them from events.

    Solution one: upon opening your kingdoms at war application or website, a message would appear on the screen much like they do to warn of server outages or xtal giveaways. This message would explain that a new event will soon begin, and direct you to the place in which to cast the spell.

    Issue two: it may be difficult for developers to put into the game.

    Solution two: there isn't exactly a solution for this. It is obviously an issue and as someone who knows very little about programming I cannot say wether or not it is even possible to do. The devs did create this game though, and if it is possible I'd very much like to see it occur.

    issue three: clans will still do lots of the higher drop epic battles anyway since most people might try and get the rewards.

    solution three: as many clans that will do the higher dropping epic battles, there will still always be clans doing others. Of the thousands and thousands of clans, I guarantee at least a few are doing the epic battles you wish to participate in. It may be a little harder to find them, but it needs to be remembered that the developers must cater to the majority. If more people want the events, then they should continue them.

    issue four: the "eb warriors" will get better equipment than PvP players to further uneven the odds.

    solution four: the same could be said about EE. Like it or not, epic battles and EE are the only way to get equipment, and this event doesn't change that. Plus, anyone who's seen the latest lot of equipment drops knows that the eq is for the most part underpowered anyway. So long as we keep the equipment at a reasonable level of strength, It shouldn't be an issue.

    final thoughts

    Now this may have been thought of already and I haven't read it, and if that's the case apologies to said player.

    I do really wish to see this implemented, and I'd love to hear any ideas or issues you have with this. Please contribute any thoughts you have!

    Thanks guys! :)
  2. Very good idea, I don't really have anything else to say like I normally do, so umm. Yeah.
  3. I believe its possible. Its just like WoC
  4. Exactly Mac. Very similar concepts.
  5. I don't see a point to putting this in though. It isn't going to keep people from getting mad at events.
  6. I personally don't think this is necessary. Along with all the other "no more events" threads, an easier solution would be for non-participants to just ignore the egg/feather/pelt/whoknowswhatelse drops and carry on. Besides, you might inadvertently get a free xtal or something at the end.
  7. Please elaborate. Couldn't you just choose to either participate in event or choose not to? What is the purpose of this spell?
  8. And not everyone has access to the alchemist*
  9. From a programming prospective, I don't think it's that hard. Of course I'm not a massive online game coder, but it shouldn't be too hard. Pretty much copy the spell things, change the duration, name and description. Next, connect that to the already existent event coding. Make it go through a cycle and make sure it only gives feathers with the spell trigger switch.
  10. Made a thread on my solution
  11. EVERYONE has access to the Alchemist. It has been that way since late 2012. It was changed to allow anyone to cast the spell of evasion.
  12. Good to see some conversation about this.

    Well basically the point of this is to stop all the threads complaining about the events. Apparently people aren't content to simply ignore the event, so this gives them a way to symbolise their distaste for the event by purposefully choosing to opt out. Alongside this, it could be used as a sort of survey in deciding wether or not the majority of kaw Does or does not wish for the events to continue. If a large percentage of players opt in then they know the events work. If not, they have further data to see why it didn't.
  13. Did not realize that. Been playing a while, missed that post
  14. #FinalSolution
  15. Because you can't just ignore the event. If you don't do the event ebs recruitment sucks and it stunts clan growth and pulls people from sticking to one clan and having loyalty.