I can no longer see my circle of elements and titan lairs with this update. I can see all my other LL HL and HF builds
@Kaw_Community I'm referring to the issue if you turn your phone horizontally in forums it takes you back to the forums main page where you select forums or active topics. Its annoying if you kaw doing anything other than stand still while kawing. But if you lay down you have to go back to the page and thread you were on.
The Android issue he is referring to I believe is when you're in the forums, and if your phone tilts into landscape mode, whatever you were doing or viewing is erased and you're automatically brought to the forum home screen. Very, very annoying :/
Thanks devs my game was lagging bad because of these issues. Another job well done no more lag on market place or loading epics.
Also, there's another forum glitch. After tapping submit, it stay on post a reply. I tap submit again and it redirect me at the first page of topic. My post isn't here, can't tap back(no effect). So yea, I must copy each of my posts just in case. More annoying is when you post a long post.
Oh Oh Oh, and I don't know if it happens to other people, but after staying on "Post a reply" for 5-15 minutes, it starting to lag. Not the phone, but only on Post a reply. Oh Oh Oh! jk, I'll lurk till I see kaw com answers
After this update the app keeps freezin nd crashin on me. Also in epic battles after i hit sometimes all the bars disappear nd am only left with the eb timer nd back ground picture of eb. Have to force vlose nd reopen to fix. Plz fix this. Also devs bein able tp kaw in full landscape mode wuld be very nice .
I don't think the algorithm takes in consideration your operating system. Essentially you are using a front end engine (app) that connects to another computer and that computer gives commands on what does and does not happen.
Kaw keeps foreclosing on me! Sometimes it foreclose while is still opening and if am lucky and opens, it will chrash when I click on eb window on main page. Devs please do something!