yes i am an attention seeker

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by savageman, May 18, 2014.

  1. I just want to be a great forumer and make epic threads for the community. please give me good advice on how to do that I want every thread to count and I'd like us to have fun.
    I don't believe in quitting so please refrain from trying to discourage me give me tips and I will be your KAW mascott.  Try to get me butthurt or farm me I'll just try harder even if I rocky fail I'll still follow tou.  But I see it as a challenge. Not a problem.  P's for those who have hit me thanks for increasing my fight stats have a great day 
  3. If they kick me cause you farm them I ll just find another clan and keep trying so why not try and be productive and help me help you what would you like to see threads about?
  4. Nothing, just stop making them. Thats what we want to see.
  5. I told u in past thread. -_-. U need to get forum ban
  6. Shadow I'll make them cause it's my privilege to I'd like to make ones you'd enjoy though I do know some people just like to complain regardless. If your one of those people and my name annoys you don't look or comment on my threads or make some of your own. I have had many supporters as well that have encouraged my threads thus far .so out of respect for them I will also continue.
  7. You guys all ******* suck
  8. Bro don't ever quit am ur biggest fan k
  9. Try PimD dude.. No one here wants this
  10. So my main gets banned from posting on his thread. But not him seriously.
  11. Thanks tyes I won't and as long as I follow tou a mod doesn't have reason to ban me I'm staying on topic and asking for positive feedback the ones following my threads and bashing or asking for a ban are doing something called troll baiting it's actually a bankable offense as well so I'll ask any mod watching please take those things into account as well
  12. OP, do you even know what trolling means?
  13. You are also technically spamming
  14. Savage. I apologized for my actions yesterday (my alt was farming you for a while), but seriously dude. You've posted 6 threads in 3 days. That's 2 a day. If you plan on making 2 threads a day every day. I'll log back in on my alt and continue farming you. Nobody here needs a mascot, we have spragga, and of course the red ghostpls pls pls just stop making these threads.
  15. @Notorious  if u ever been on PIMD, you'd know savageman is not wanted there by anyone  except Lucy, ...  haha even Lucy's not wanted there.
  16. Posting crap tons of shitty threads leads to a forums ban... So... Bye OP. It hasn't been fun. 
  17. He can try future combat then, they need they're wc to move faster anyways. Not enough players, a mascot is exactly what they need
  18. Step 1: Don't make threads like this