NOTICE (PC Gets Speakers Too)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by AllyShop, May 17, 2014.


    of understanding and intent

    Whereas it is my understanding playing kingdoms at war is an act of free will
    Whereas it is my understanding using that free will is an inalienable right to human beings
    Whereas it is my understanding there are different devices to choose from to play kingdoms at war
    Whereas it is my understanding that choosing PC to play kingdoms at war does no harm and causes no loss
    Whereas it is my understanding that causing harm or loss is an unlawful offence and punishable under common law juristiction
    Whereas it is my understanding choosing to play kingdoms at war from a cell phone causes no harm or loss
    Whereas it is my understanding that if playing kingdoms at war on a cell phone i would recieve 5 speakers per day until i reach 25 in total
    Whereas it is my understanding that if playing kingdoms at war from a pc i will recieve no speakers at all
    Whereas it is my understanding speech is a natural inalienable right to human beings to communicate with other human beings and avoid conflict
    Whereas it is my understanding anyone using thier free will and therefore choosing to play kingdoms at war from PC will have to pay a fee or a tax to exercise that inalienable right to speech
    Whereas it is my understanding that being forced to pay a fee for speech is an unlawful offense because human beings have an inalienable right and they are being forced to pay a fee for that right
    and therefor have suffered a loss
    Whereas it is my understanding that anyone who is forced to buy a speaker to communicate with his fellow man may have a claim against kingdoms at war for loss because his inalienable rights have been violated

    Claim of Right

    As a human being, and a private individual, and one of the people, born on the land, i claim the right to free speech to avoid conflict with my fellow man and woman.

    you as kingdoms at war, do hereby have ten days from the date of this post to rebut, dispute, or claim injury, and if no claim is made in ten days you, as kingdoms at war agree everything in this post to be true and accept under full commercial liability just compensation for any loss incured by human beings operating under a claim of right to speech or go into dishonor and may end up in court of record in a common law juristiction.
    (furthermore anyone who signs this post also agrees that everything in this post to be true to the best of thier knowledge and accepts by signing it, that it is as if they themselves also made the original post)

    i, AllyShop swear and affirm before god, that everything stated in this post to be true to the best of my knowledge,
    AllyShop ;)
  2. Go back to China you commie.
  3. NO support. If you want speakers buy a phone. You can get a low end android for 20 bucks
  4. I see one long ass sentence under notice...
  5. But damn dude if you want anyone to read it don't make is so dull and boring. It's a forum not a court case.
  6. I stopped reading after I saw whereas half a dozen times
  7. The reason why PC accounts dont receive daily speakers is because players could easily make multiple accounts on PC, thus giving them unlimited speakers (take it they dont get caught). That being an infraction of the ToU already, plus giving them speakers to be extra annoying.

    If you play on PC normally, and you have a scrap phone/iDevice laying around, link it! Thatll make your account on PC accessible to daily speakers. =)
  8. Hilarious :lol:
    And I actually had the decency to read it all.

    To be honest, I was actually just bored.
  9. You are gay. Damn Communist
  10. I agree! We should have first amendment rights - the American one we studied in school a long time ago. No speakers is limiting our freedom of speech!

    Also some dude also posted something like this a few days ago and also posted solutions instead of just ranting.
  11. Yeh lets have rights in a video game wooo
  12. Do you realize how hard it is to make PCM only accounts? Let alone 20. You have to make a lot of fake FBI accts
  13. Kinda funny. Does not apply though.
  14. ATA a canadian Company?. . . .
  15. Tear, it's fairly easy to make Kongregate accounts. You don't even need to validate your email.
  16. The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States does not mean that every citizen has the right to communicate however they want, whenever they want and using whatever means possible at any given time without cost. It simply means that, to some extent, the government cannot prohibit anyone from voicing their opinions through their own speech or (their own, paid for by themselves) press without punishment.

    Private companies (such as ATA) may prohibit any use of their own resources (such as the forums and wc) to anyone for any reason at their own discretion. They pay for the servers that hold such means of communication and have complete power over their use.

    Your argument, if valid, would also require every citizen to have, free of charge, an internet connection, a personal radio broadcasting device, a printing press, etc. As long as the government itself is not punishing you for something that you say, your rights have not been infringed upon.

    Note: You can still be punished in certain instances for your speech, but not in ways that would limit your expression of opinion. Examples include yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater as it initiates mass panic or talking during class at a public school as it is a disruption to the learning environment.
  17. Do you have a pen and paper or do I have to sign with my real name ?
    Doesn't matter anyway I'm not signing this nonsense, however I am stating that ata is not an American company and the right to free speech is not enforceable in a game.

    Op however does raise an interesting though at the moment ( unless you have deep pockets and are willing to be the first of what would be many ) untenable understanding.

    Similar to claiming speakers should be free on a PC account ( though as slayerbob points out this is possible via linking a legit account to a device ) is similar to the uk law that states in an app any game activity must be attainable without purchase however the use of a purchase may be to speed up natural progression in the game.
    Ee requiring xtal use is borderline on that. Devs don't enforce that policy players do and as such ata skirt around it. Well played.
    Ata are protecting their game from abuse of PC users creating multiple accounts and either spamming or using profanity to disrupt or hinder their game and adversely affect the community.
    Ata do not enforce a you must purchase speakers to communicate in game.
    They promote it clan chat forum and where appropriate wc.
    It's the fundamental aspect on which the game was based. Social interaction.
    What you perceive as a wrong being denied speakers. Ata and the courts in all likelihood would perceive as a valid attempt to protect and maintain stability within their game.
    All ata would need to do is demonstrate that a disruptive player could spam, use profanity and be silenced, only for same player on a PC to create an illicit account and repeat the cycle as many times as said player likes.
    They demonstrate that once and your case is blown.
    Time to reconsider or do you wish to give ata the right to log every personal piece of info IP address's and prosecute users that blatantly breach their TOU just for the right of speakers that are obtainable via a multitude of legit sources. That are free.
  18. Impressed more with they^ responses than the op in this thread.
    Even more so that they actually read it and typed that out.