Notification for EB Phase 2/anything

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ajp473, May 17, 2014.

  1. Well, lots of people get butthurt because they miss a certain item phase. Me too, I know. So, please add notifications for phases. Like in the Destroyer:

    EB notice:
    Thorak's rocky exterior crumbles off, revealing a metallic body.
  2. that's ph2 for destroyer
  3. there is.. but not outside the game though
  4. If you mean in-game, I'll support just for you. If you mean a notification while the phone is OUT of the KaW app, no support whatsoever.
  5. I mean out. at least just the banner on ios, just a small reminder on top of the screen. also in android. the bar on top with the time. also shows notifications.
  6. eb noobs miss items and the whole world is falling apart :shock:
  7. Lol items have always been first come first serve on EBs like Destroyer. Just keep an eye on the EB and you won't miss anything 
  8. No support I had to learn to be around when pot stages arrive if not it's my loss pots are a reward for the active
  9. Just an FYI but most items phases are over in 10 seconds or less. Notifications usually lag like 30 seconds so this would mearly be useless news spam.
  10. No thank you
  11. My old clan ran HTE's in 8 minutes max. Can you imagine in one hour how many notification I would have? No thanks.
  12. No support. If it is that important, check in and know where the eb is. Alternatively, you could have a clan mate pm you.

    Devs need to fix other things first anyways. Example: Anyone need an experienced 15mil CS Hybrid with towers for EE? Oh yeah, sh and lb only. Awesome. . .

    Cheers op. Happy KaWing :)
  13. No absentee owners

    No Support