Confirmation Button

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by RenamedTinkerbell, May 14, 2014.

  1. Have you ever accidentally hired an inactive ally or an overpriced ally? Here's an easy fix. Implement a confirmation button for ally hires.

    I know many people complain that this will disrupt volleying, easy fix to that also. Click options and turn the confirmation feature off.

    How will players discover this feature?

    Easy, devs can send out messages upon entering KaW, they've done it many times for EB shinanigans.

    Problems with this feature:
    None. Unless you add the factor of laziness

    This idea has been brung up multiple times without some sort of solution for volleying, well here it is. 
  2. We already have a post about this, it is a couple down and it's by xFx_THE-GENERAL_xFx , hope this is helpful :D
  3. Nope, threads like his are the reason I made this one. Read the whole thread please.
  4. I have done this countless times. Support
  5. Yes your post is different it's still the same, but anyways I believe the devs should fix this because it is a problem. So support :)
  6. has been brought up*
  7. Omg seriously... Smh
  8. Support I make mistake hitting next page with big finger
  9. This exact issue has been brought up for as long as I can remember and your solution to the volleying thing has been included the simplest solution to this is be more careful next time, yeah it sucks but it is what it is.
  10. I support this, it even has an off button. AN OFF BUTTON IT GIVES YOU THE POWER OF HE-MAN
  11. In the devs tips I think they even say ask for a volley in WC xD
  12. This is never gonna happen and I honestly have no idea why.

    There is NO REASON not to implement this.

    CMON devs
  13. No Support.
  14. Nvm, I support.
  15. You just wanted to quote yourself didn't you
  16. No.
    I didn't see this portion of it.
    But now that you pointed it out.
  17. No support, makes vollies harder
  18. Go back and read it. He clearly stated there would be a button to activate confirmation button and to turn it off. (Don't worry I made the same mistake)
  19. This will never happen so for the love of god stop making threads about it. Scroll on the damn left!! 
  20. How do you know?