Pop up Confirming To hire an Ally on Allies List

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xFx_GENERAL_xFx, May 13, 2014.

  1. I've never had this problem really only time when I accdently hire is when (a glitch happend when you tapped the repeat button) when I was half a sleep (tapping the screen) or when I was tapping with my pointer finger and kind of like l skimming with it
  2. You guys seem to have ideas for this problem but yet nothing has been done.
  3. Support but if it's more than a certain price, because if i have to volly somebody and confirm every hire it'll probably get old
  4. No support scroll on the left side of the screen
  5. Full Support. Very Nice though Not a new idea.

    I did hire many allies by mistake just by clicking the wrong button in hurry ;)
  6. No support.
  7. Yeah it sucks, I once bought a 800b SH, had to volley scam to get rid of him.
  8. I currently have a 1.28t allie for sale. hired unintentionally. full support
  9. No support unless there is an option to turn the pop up off. It makes a volly painstaking and annoying.
  10. yall people have fat thumbs, that the real problem
  11. The problem is no one actually read the OP. So most of you look VERY stupid.

    He is saying only a confirmation button when you are hiring an ally off the Ally search area. Not when you are on someone's profile.

    I support OP, a very good idea :mrgreen: .
  12. @Vayne on page 3, its ok saying scroll on the left etc, but on android the button is in the middle of the screen so you can't avoid it.
  13. @Narnian then say that part would be for android. Android and iDevices have a different KaW layout so they can have different updates.
  14. Full support I have made some mistakes not having it๎’๎’
  15. Support for a conformation button! :)