Battle List

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Nefarious, May 13, 2014.

  1. Hello all! I am here to present you a game!
    I wanted to show this because I thought it would help improve pvp. So lets get started!

    Battle List
    1.Go to the battle list
    2. Pick anyone from the battle list
    3. Hit them 2-5 times or however many times you want
    4. Wait for them to either say something on your wall or wait for them to hit back.
    5. If they say something on your wall like "Why are you hitting me?" Or something in that sort then you post something on there wall like "You discourage pvp. Why is that so?" And wait for there reply.

    But if they hit back. Put on there wall something like "You encourage pvp! Congratulations!" Or something like that. Wait for them to reply.

    The link on there wall may apply to more hits and critical farming.

    Well hope you guys liked it! Enjoy!
  2. Here's a game, pick a major war clan. Take all their allies and hit each one once. Immediately self pin indefinitely after your done.
  3. Then again I look at your banner and say the same thing.
  4. Just because I have a good banner doesn't mean you need to be butthurt
  5. He didn't sound butthurt
  6. I've got an idea. How about after I'm done with this noob on my wall, I give you some loving loppy style?
  7. I just think this is a bad game that's all
  8. I prefer doggy style but whatever works
  9. Ok. Challenge accepted :p
  10. Also, son of lop. I look at your wall and see that you are playing my game.
  11. He's just pvping...
  12. Too bad your 6 mil cs and he is not even 2 mil cs or I would probably congratulate you.
  13. Anyone find it cute how lop hits pplz half his cf??? REAL BAD ASS THIS ONE HERE
  14. Novody. Read my thread (which you probably didn't) and then look at his wall. They seem similar.
  15. lol. I don't give a **** about the size of players. He ran his mouth, he gets hit. Simple. You want to provoke me? Fine. You will be hearing from me soon. :p
  16. @attack me I seen that too! Ahahah
  17. I hear from a lot of people. Mostly. Because they are all talk.