Banner Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Steph, May 8, 2014.

  1. I actually think your right they should do that.
  2. Support, but an achievement will also do.
  3. Support.but i include something,anyway cancer is a nightmare today in for helping all that they are suffering it i would do in the world day of it.not only for women too men.many ppl is suffering it all have rights to cure this suffering...i speak in my name because i lived it when my father had it...and i know the suffering of familiars...lamentably my father died 6 years ago for this cause...FULL SUPPORT STEPH
  4. Support to Breast Cancer Awareness.
  5. Support but...

    Gotta remember ATA is a business, not a charity. We can't expect them to give the money they make to a charity every time. So you know it's unlikely they will do this unless the owners have someone close to them who has/had cancer.

    Still, great idea but I just don't see it happening.

  6. Support
  7. That a good idea actually
  8. Support, plus ATA could use it as a tax write-off, so everyone wins!
  9. Full support
  10. Support but what benefits would this give to the players who have this banners in their possession?Sorry for being rude but we also need to consider that.
  11. SUPPORT!!!! Who don't love boobs!!
  12. I want a pink banner for my birthday....
  13. Let it have a %plunder increase