Off-system PVP rewards

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by AVMMF-FruityInYourMouth-SWOD, May 11, 2014.

  1. You can add what you like people will only abuse it.

    People pvp now and enjoy it, the only people who complain are the people who want something from it, not the point the point is you build something and you go at people with something to lose. Implement a system to that and it's no different from eb or ee, just people taking advantage or spending big to get ahead. Thats all good in ebs and EE but pvp and osw is the end result its where you use what you have to beat other oponents. If people don't hit because they want to they will get what they want then stop. You're thinking about what the devs can do but theres more to it than that, its about how players take to it and you are what 1 in thousands? What are them 100ks of players doing right now? All good making suggestions but it must be a viable option
  2. No support I wanna hit my alt only for rewards
  3. Off battle list yes. But as I have previously suggested make it first five hits per victim that count towards drop rates. This promotes pvp. Whilst not making anyone player a prime victim to any given player.
  4. Btw how does this promote stripping and tracking?
  5. Great! I'll start farming my spy alt to get free mith. Duhhhh! Didn't think that one through, did ya?
  6. You wanna increase PvP? Have the devs make a 2% possibility of getting laid. That's a reward if gladly PvP for.
  7. You want to hit off the battle list then go do it. The only incentive there needs to be is because its fun. It is fun to watch people freak out, fun to watch others wall you making threats they won't carry out. I'm not a buyer of the "pvp incentive" theory. Hit off battle list because you want to, not because you need to grind for something because of it.
  8. Why should only ee warriors get mith for pvp actions.
    War at devs schedule after dropping build if not on lb to Sh just so you can get mith. No thanks.

    And farm an alt. easy. First 5 hits per target count towards chance of a drop. Now farm your alt all you like. Won't increase your odds of a drop

    Why not add an incentive that may or may not promote pvp? Gotta be better than a system ( EE) that people have destroyed and manipulated for their own selfish ends.
    At least battle list is available to every player at every level and a mith reward would add an incentive that many would strive for.
    Got to be better than eb equip and hunts. And if it promotes people xtalling to increase their chances then its a plus for the devs. And the plus for the player is mith equip is stated stats. We all know what we would be aiming for no let down if drops are consistent though hard to get.

    Heck give it a weekend trial. How's it going to hurt ? Aside from people crying they got hit. And if that got to much of an issue then devs could just give the bronze bar a higher payback making banking easier.

    Running a trial would certainly not hurt the game.
  9. I agree ^
  10. Support, I love mith but don't have money for crystals, and as you said, ee is ****** up.a
  11. Guess what this will never happen :D
  12. If one believes simply hitting a player is "pvp" this person clearly only hits ebs.