Mith Event

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -TheDragonRider-, May 11, 2014.

  1. DR. You are wrong. For past war season and during chaos wars now it's attack builds and sh's that are wanted in wars. Big hansels can hardly get to war these days.

    Attack builds ARE wanted in wars, but you need to have towers if you want to war. You can't just sit and whine that you don't get to war when you have an eb build.

    Want to war??
    Do like others and build the towers needed. We sacrifice plunder in ebs and spend a lot of gold building towers. Upside is the mith equips. But it comes at a cost!!
  2. Now, not many war clan accept hansel build. Are u sure many spy build have mith equipment? Or u mean sh?
  3. I'm a spy build. I have no mith equipment.
  4. My Friend Naffer I'm saving for towers.. What holding me back is I built my high lands all wrong.. I need to rebuild my highlands once I'm hlbc and I rearrange my build according to my kawculater I might be able to war..

    Ps.. Don't take what I write as whining lol.. I'm in no way whining I'm just suggesting an event where at the end instead of getting equips they give out mith.. Like the feathers instead of equips you get mith depending on the amount you collected.. Was just a suggestion.. I know I need towers.. It super expensive since I've already built an attack build. Alot of saving and rebuilding is needed at this point.. Trust me I'm working on it.. Thank you Naffer for your advice .. Lol I'm still using your pm to keep my blitz thing updated 
  5. So if I dropped all my Coe on my low lands and put up all spy towers I can war?
  6. I am a spy build only went to war not much and got one piece of equip but I don't war much so it really don't brother me but good luck to ya