Regarding the new Building Upgrades

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 9, 2014.

  1. one star ratings in play store increasing already. And a "money hungry devs" review on download page. Speak up, change your rating, if devs arent reading forums maybe they will notice bad reviews and a drop in stars.
  2. Yes shall be giving low rating. I just object to the fact Ihad to work hard to save and save for those buildings now eeveryone building them now gets them for Much less? Its an insult to those who put effort into patiently saving. Just my opinion- which of course won't count for jack
  3. Wow 20 hours now and devs still have nothing to say? We are supposed to listen when support tells us yo speak to you in forums? We are supposed to think u care? I'm smiling watching your rating go down 
  4. Why give the game you enjoy and played for long periods of time a bad rating? If you want devs to listen, how about you don't sabotage their game? They are listening and posting on threads. If you want to ruin the game and destroy it, how about you just leave?
  5. See that's the thing we don't want to, and they ruined it for way to many of us. Show me where they responded oh thats right they haven't, they don't want to resolve this issue so they aren't anywhere to be seen. We gave them the chanceto bring us an eexplanation for screwingus now iI'm gonna smile and watch it tank because they screwed up yet again.
  6. Send them emails every hour, give low ratings! This game needa to change, and we need to be heard! All the threads regarding this conveniently keep disappearing.... We can't let them win!!! Make them listen at all costs 
  7. This last move proves how little the devs care about the vast majority of players in the game. Almost every size build between beginner and SH up to LB is now obsolete and no longer worth playing.

    EE wars have been that way for a while now. And it's not the SH, LB or LB/SH rosters that are the issue. It's the hit ratio combined with bfa not being factored in accordingly and locked down at match up. This is not rocket science. Fix the ******* matches. End of story.

    So what do the devs do? Fix EE? Make PVP more attractive?

    Heck no.

    Release lvl 4 and 5 on HF and cut the prices on T5s. This one move ruined the game for most. Only people that can afford lvl 4 and 5 without spending 1,000's are the LB players and the half price T5s really only helps the new and the tiny. All the rest playing get the shaft again. The biggest get bigger. The smallest don't need to work to catch the middle and the middle stop growing.

    I used to play all the time on multiple alts but all these changes have ruined KaW for me. I'm down to 1 account with any frequency and I've found better games with much better customer service.

    Can't wait to see the newest money grab aka event with super crappy equipment. I'm sure it will be out before EE and PVP are addressed.

    Thank you devs (end sarcasm)
  8. The funniest thing about all you smalls and sh thinking this is good, look at it this way. This is the second time mids are getting screwed. They want you to get to be a mid. Then do it again and screw the mids again, which is where your gonna be. So all that not as hard work you had to put in, it'll just be that much easier for smalls to catch up to you. If we let this slide yet again your next in line to be screwed morons. You think the devs care about your time and loyalty? think they talk to you to try and help resolve community issues? Look through every page of this thread and show me one dev that cares. They care about how thick their wallets are not their gamers. Once they think they've milked you for every penny they can your yesterday trash and get treated like it. They created kaw_community supposedly to be our voice, yet all they do is the devs dirty work and don't address any real issues. Just pick through and try and find their followers and easy issues then disappear. So hope you enjoy your future being screwed by the devs you will one day see why we feel the way we do.
  9. The change benefited me; yes I know I'm small and still growing in the game
  10. Refund all or none

    Quite simple
    Best way to get respect is to listen to everyone not just newcomers to Kaw.

    Be fare to all not just new people to trick them in to thinking u care. But what u are doing is trying to buy respect of so far few and this isn't good that your doing that.

    Respect is earnt by listening and relising you have done the wrong thing so fix this asap, refund all or none.

    Support refund to all not just some
  11. Support to Inferno. Unfortunately the developers couldn't give a rats ass less. Here's the problem, if their pocket books aren't effected they have no reason to accommodate their customers. They only way to do that is to boycott the oracle. A 2 day boycott would be a huge hit to their pockets. Guarantee we get a response and they start listening to what we have to say.
  12. Just shy of 25 hours since I spoke to debate directly. Think I should stop thinking they may at some point show interest in their gamers?
  13. A simple solution is like when t4 was slashed, give us 72-96hrs to tear down t5 with full refund of the building costs 175b each attack the 190ish for vols, then be allowed to rebuild them at the new cost rate. Devs you did this for t4, probs best to do this for t5 as well. If peeps do not finish in that time frame, at least you tried. ;-)
  14. Kaw can u be very kind please do an other eb please and give us a free seal and horn plz
  15. The problem is that you all can't get a refund. The DEVs probably don't keep track of your gold months or years ago.
  16. Why are u on my wall lmao↑

    Devs can in fact refund all its not hard to do so. Few codes of programing and coding bam done.

    Refund all or none
  17. Yup. All they have to do is base it on what buildings people had prior to the 9th.. The servers will still have that info.
  18. Great customer service ATA. Not even worth a reply.
  19. Boycott the Oracle. Give the ap low ratings. Thats all we can do.
    I might not stop playing this game bc it passes time at work, but I will not spend real money anymore. Hell I might even completely overcome my kaw addiction.