castle unlimet lvl

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by --vesta--, May 10, 2014.

  1. I have a great idea you can unlimited upgrading your castle lvl

    Price 125b every time
    Every level 100.000 atack power/defench
    Every level 50,00 spy atk/def
  2. 125b? Kinda cheap.
  3. I have a better idea:
    Magic fluffy unicorn stable which can open a portal to other dimensions which means you can build an unlimited number if them.

    1 unicorn poop/10 gold

    1,000,000/1,000,000/1,000,000/1,000,000 each
  4. support if price is 125T
  5. I'd rather just buy the allies for better stats.
  6. Why not a narwhal stable?

    1 Narwhal Tusk / 1729381919 Quadrillion Gold.

    Stats - 1 Kabillion for attack and defense
    50 Million for spy atk and def!
  7. It'd have to start low then at a point be so ridiculously expensive it isn't even worth it
  8. We need battle ships. I want to rule the seas!!!!
  9. Omg tyees that is actually a decent idea
  10. 1.7 BQ for a narwhal tusk...
    So 1,700,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 for that. Totally worth it.
  11. Errm..........

    Op this idea sucks maybe a new lvl but not unlimited :|
  12. Open a new land called the harbor lands, they are open for every one. You build a trading post there and you get a daily task such as farming the battle list or beating an eb.
  13. Or sky battleships in the skylands(lower right hand on LL)
  14. You know theres a code for that right OP?

    Hopefully someone gets this.
  15. I am still waiting for the Skylands to open up. It's been an idea since 2011 lol
  16. I got a great idea.. Don't post any more ideas
  17. Boo sky lands I'll never catch up
  18. Just double current price for each upgrade sounds legit