People who received 80k feathers drops below lvl10?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ---ZooS---, May 9, 2014.

  1. Devs you need to fix this like you did in the other 2 hunts!!

    I had a level 10 helm from getting above 80k feathers, and it lowered to level 9. Please make it so it cant fall below base level....
  2. :lol: got that too
  3. Boots dropped below level 10 for me. Now sitting at level 8.
  4. Like they fixed this in other events
  5. 10 aqua and 10 inferno to take my helmet from 10 to 7 lol
  6. A few tries.. +11 .. Its so cheap to upgrade them lol
  7. So devs going to recognize this
  8. Yup I had the same issue. I wasted more aqua and inferno than I'd care to admit trying to get my helmet back to 10 with no success. :/
  9. I had 145k and my crown is currently at lvl5 trying to upgrade it. Midi it devs don't know how their game works
  10. My question is why would you try and upgrade that crap?
  11. I tried it once just for the hell of it cuz it's cheap to do and I didnt think it would drop below 10 as with previous equip. Went from 10 to 7 on first enchant, then to 5 and now it seems impossible to get back to 10.

    That's how it started…
  12. @why would you upgrade it
  13. I tried to enchant just for the hell of it because it seemed cheap to do and I didn't think it would drop below 10 as with other equip. Very first enchant dropped from 10 to 7, then to 5 and haven't been able to get back to 10.

    That's how it started…
  14. The stats are crap anyway  whack those bad boys back in the closet behind the other promo kit! 
  15. I wasted 200 inferno / aqua getting both of my items to lvl 11 boots took 3 enchantments lol
  16. In the moments leading up to you pressing/clicking that enchant button, you knew there would be a chance that the upgrade would fail and or make the equip worse. Somewhere along the line, some chemicals inside you made the decision to go ahead and enchant the item.

    The whole point of enchanting is that it's not as simple as bombing something up from 0-10 with ease. Whole point is you have to work for it. And fail occasionally.

    With those two points I mind, you really shouldn't complain when it doesn't work. There is nothing about this to 'fix'... Besides, I think the risk makes it much more fun and exciting to do ;)
  17. My main had 90K and it dropped to lvl 6, it took me less than 35 inferno to get both to lvl 11, honestly, you need to suck this **** up. You think you're gonna get hand fed easy enchants... seriously suck it up and enchant a few times. Its not that hard especially with how cheap it is.
  18. I lost all the enchats;/ like 37 inferno/aqua total
  19. I tried once on each (both successes) and got both level 11 straight away lol