The End of the Great Quetzal Hunt

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 7, 2014.

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  1. Devs, for future hunts, please don't do like 11 things when you should be giving out rewards. Put rewards out first then do all that. Thanks
  2. I'm raging..... -meow- hear me rage? No but seriously it's never taken them this long to hand out rewards. They have to many things going at once they need to focus on one at a time.
  3. I demand 400 feathers for these late rewards. :lol:
  4. Maybe next event one of you would like to take on the task of getting everyone's rewards I'm sure we wouldn't have a wait 48 hrs, don't wanna even guess how long you'd take
  5. Maybe it was another of their great April fool jokes
  6. I dont't mind the wait, but the devs do need to address the KaWmmunity and at least update us as to why it's taking 4x longer than the previous events!
  7. 1hr 40min hurry devs! No, 1min late is still late!
  8. Dont be late!
  9. Might as well face facts and be ready to wait till tomorrow..

  10. I agree they arent even online, and this is exactly when you should be trying to keep customers happy.
  11. Funny how people are saying "please dont be late" and they already are. They always are.
  12. Someone should make a world announcement saying "Devs postponed feather rewards another 48 hours."
  13. Where do I go too start a petition for a 48h extension too the rewards deadline so the devs don't mess it up?
  14. Houston we have a problem
  15. 1hr 29mins. The clock is ticking devs
  16. :| it's been 46 hours 32 minutes.
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