Support for inferno on page 49. Coming from a noob - that's a shitty move. Give players their entire refund.
Support to Inferno's suggestion️ Please also reduce costs for frost lands, its ridiculous how much they cost. Need 25tril gold just to make buildings and have em fully upgraded.
This is the second time those that paid full price for all their lands and buildings got screwed. I don't get how we don't even enter into the mix. Not cool at all.
Fully support Infermo's post....while your at it, give the oldest players a new achievement. Like an Elder or Ancient warrior....a significant noob killing stat bonus.
Devs this is total . What about the players that just upgraded in April? We as a community spend a mass amount of xtals and nobs just to keep up with your money hungry ass. This is an extremely frustrating as I am a player that rarely xtaled and yet bought some to try and keep up last month and now I see that was a total waste. You're being unfair, but hey that's life TL;DR Noob rant
So no reply to why when I spent 175bil on a building if I drop it why I get the new drop price for the half price buildings thats bs aswell. Also support inferno page 49
Devs wats next plan 10x haunts and release new lands in next 6 months.Without spending lots of real money..Noobs will take years to complete HFBC. No Support
I would be happy to accept the lower plunder if Devs could increase the regeneration of troops/spies. Basically at the end of EB/War players that have upgraded and are uber active will feel reprieve from this awful travesty.
The problem isn't the gap between mids and bugs, the problem is the advantages being a tiny sh with no disadvantages for not growing
Devs.. and Joke_community, are u even reading this? We as a mids are at a great disadvantage. Since Lbs wont be touched ever soon and now smalls can instant come near to us. I again felt hard worked mid war builds have been shafted too bad. I xtalled and sod to get hlbc less than a year ago, and still struggling to get a decent bfa. Fix this devs. U dont wanna lose these mids their interest. We have been the most loyal. No offense lbs get their vast amount of income from volleys now smalls can get big cheap. We are been cheated. Sigh
Support for inferno page 49. Plus devs do you expect people to continue to buy seals if what they spend their brought gold on is offered next year for half price. Your stealing from every player that has purchased a seal or horn or xtal. Again.
Dear Respected Devs, Thanks for this update, this reduced cost working good for lazy players, like me...but did you ever think about those who HLBC already before 1st May ?? This is the very big loss for them. Their hard work and pain that they have felt to reach HLBC not comparable to what is happening today. You have made them hurt. Thank you for making everyone happy. Im not support this!!
Very big dissapointment. You make all our hardwork look like a joke. I agree with Elcaciquek2 (pg 46) please open up for trade. We will sell the account to you for real money and we will start over with new account, if you really want us, player for years quit. After you make us no where to war now you value our hard work in eb also worth half. Thats really make us frustrated.
What is this, has Kingdoms at War now become Soviet Republics at War? If devs reduce building prices, EVERYONE should get a refund, as we spend a lot on those buildings without getting much in return. Plunder on many EB went down, damage dealt did not increase. Just better stats, even the failrate from quests is still the same than with T3 and the original 25 lands. Will frostland buildings also get flogged when the next set of lands will get released? If you can't affort it, you can't buy it. That simple. Has ATA converted to communism?
Wow! Just wow! Ok Guys this is a simple fix. STOP SPENDING REAL LIFE MONEY ON KAW! If every person who spends money, whether it b $20 or $200 or $2000 stops doing so we might actually get the devs to listen. They care about one thing and one thing only... their own bottom line. If we as a community really want to force them to fix pvp and ee we need to stop feeding them our cash. Otherwise we will only get a more flawed ee and pvp game play. Kaw_community said it in OP .. ebs are the new kaw... not pvp. Osw is a thing of the past. Why hit blow joe when hte pays twice as much and doesnt hit back?.. lol devs are a disgrace! Nothing changes on law... not really... the mid size builds get screwed once again..