The introduction of health crystals to KaW has, as all past changes have, prompted a lot of feedback from our players. We thank you for your feedback and would like to clarify a few things. 1. We are actively monitoring all usage of health crystals for abuse. As of this moment, it does not appear to be an issue. 2. Appropriate action will be taken in the future if health crystal usage begins to alter game play. Some players have suggested a usage limit on the health crystals. However again, at the moment, the current usage of health crystals by players who have purchased them does not truly warrant such a limit. Repeat: CRYSTAL USAGE HAS NOT ALTERED GAME PLAY! 3. Finally, please remember, health crystals can be picked up during quests for free. Repeat: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR HEALTH CRYSTALS!
We have been monitoring health crystal usage over the last few days, and it appears that the majority of health crystal usage is by people who simply wish to save some time and advance in the game a bit quicker. However, a VERY SMALL set of people are abusing crystal usage and using it to pin other players indefinitely. In order to handle this, we have implemented the following: There is now a cap of 24 regenerations every 24 hours. This includes crystal usage as well as regenerations from points. This works out to an average of 1 regeneration per hour, which is hardly enough to pin someone forever. However, it still allows those players that wish to advance quicker in the game with regeneration crystals to do so. This cap was chosen by analyzing the regeneration usage over the last few days and determining how they were being used.
Once again, we thank you for your feedback. We wanted to make sure we were making the right change by collecting data before we implemented this change.
At this moment, there will be no hourly cap, because it affects legitimate users (i.e. users who are simply trying to build up there kingdom). We are looking at ways to minimize the impact of crystals in a war scenario, but an hourly cap is not a solution because it affects the majority of users who are not abusing the system.