And assuming my jerry rigged calc isn't wrong, 1 Castle lv3, 24 SoS lv3, 25 Vol Lv3, 23 Unkari Lv5, 2 Elven Temples lv 5 1,262,832/1,262,832/14,896,200/14,896,200
HF from what I've read. Just because it's more stats and you'll still get decent plunder with them on HF. But feel free to read around more yourself.
Uhh, well it didn't for me. I think it decreased by 2m per 6 lvl 3 SOS. I was also UNDER max plunder.
Disagreed entirely. An hlbc lvl 3 sh gets 47mil less first hit on HTE than an hlbc lvl 1 sh although the lvl 3 gets paid better at the end bonus. Altogether tho, sh lvl 1 is better and cheaper
Lol I wasn't HLBC. Plus I was only SH for a few weeks, that noob build wasn't for me. I would listen to Eclipso, they seem to know lots about SH.
Aqua and inferno are used to enchant (basically upgrade) equipment. Only certain equipment can be upgraded though.
What build should I have if I want a lot of plunder? If you could, a spy heavy then an attack heavy example.
Depends on activity. If you're online a lot, I'd say attack heavy build. If you like unloading then coming back on in an hour, I'd say spy heavy. I say that because attack builds plunder drops a lot more per hit compared to spy builds, who lose around 2m from first hit to last (depending on eb/size)
So absolutely no attack buildings on the spy heavy? And no spy buildings on the attack? Or a little of both?
You definitely want a little of the other building just for the sake of build mechanics. Just have at least 75% or so of whatever building (attack or spy) you want