Building Upgrades are Here!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 8, 2014.

  1. You guys gotta stop with the stats and just make faster regens and stuff now. Make regen time a stat that can be upgraded
  2. Starting two week timer ....... Now.
  3. Im 2 lands away from horfrost. Ermagerd
  4. all they see is the green bro :roll:
  5. Yes, the stat jump is MASSIVE.
    The Lvl 5 buildings are in most cases over double the strength of the level 3 buildings :eek:
  6. Devs gotto make money or this wonderful game dies everyone. I don't know about the rest of you but ild like to be still playing kaw even in my final hours on this planet lol..
  7. Great! New upgrades to experiment.
    I don't expect the noobs to jump to a ten storey bldg from the ground floor. It takes 9 more floors to make it to 10. GAP between small cs and veteran players? There is no politics here as far as I'm concern. We all started from nothing. Let the noobs experience what the old players went through. This is a journey to triumph in the end. There are no short cuts. Noobs there a lot of ppl here that can give advice to help u grow. Just BE SMART and ENJOY THE GAME.
  8. But people expect that new players should hit the Leader Board of a 5 years old game in less than an Year?
    Ah come on!
    This is a target to those who are playing this game for more than 3 years not for a newbie
  9. Tower not my fault you can't quote people properly .
  10. This outta ruin the war system even more
  11. Gotta laugh at the vk that said to adapt if you aren't happy. There is no adapting in this game other than spend more. It's that simple. There is one way to make gold at a high level and that is spending. Even then the gap between mids and those that are upgrading to level 5 can now be measured in YEARS. That's right we are at the point were the only way to catch up is Max spending and a ridiculous amount of time. I've never played another game where I couldn't reach cap by grinding my ass off for months. There is basically zero incentive to even try at this point. And then give them a regeneration boost on top of it? Get the **** out of here. And you know they ****** the majority of the community when they won't even show their face and address any of the issues. Money grubbing cowards catering to a select few. Call it like it is..
  12. Ironically, i've spent more in this game before T5s, T6s, and HTEs ever came out.
    Haven't spent any since those updates.
  13. Wonderful... More mind numbing eb. So excited for this. So thrilled. Dancing out of joy. Just great
  14. Agreed bud.
  15. Hey everyone, we've seen your feedback about the plunder being lower and we're looking into this. I'll get back to you shortly with further information.
  16. Devs u should make upgades to low lands to to try and reduce the gap some
  17. Why did u remove the bird EBs??? I still have skulls to use
  18. How about you release the damn equipment before you fix the new buildings
  19. I'll give it a week then im done, game is geting very tedious playing catch up all the time. Wasting my time and what little money i put into it. This is probly the BEST thing devs have done pushing me over the edge to stop playing this shite game. Hope alot of you reading will agree it's not worth it the way the dev's run things. To all that enjoy playing happy kawing 