[UPDATE] Android v3.05

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 9, 2014.

  1. We've just released another new update to the Google Play Store that addresses additional bugs. We've also listened to your feedback and reverted the Marketplace change where the purchase window would automatically close after each purchase.

    Here's the full update notes:
    - Fixed a bug where the Mage could crash on certain devices
    - Fixed a bug where certain achievements were not displayed on profiles
    - Adjusted position of the Repeat Action button during Epic Battles
    - Purchase window no longer auto-closes in the Marketplace

    Grab the update from the Play Store now!
  2. So we've gotten everything but equipment
  3. Equipment will be on it's way soon.
  4. Thanks, but still need to readjust the buying amount window.
  5. Thanks hopefully after this update my phone will stop lagging "started lagging after last update"
  6. "Soon" how soon
  7. Ty devs for marketplace fix.
  8. Also, why can't we edit ca like I devices? We can only replace...
  9. - Adjusted position of the Repeat Action button during Epic Battles

    i dont get what you have done?? still looks the same to me but everything else is great now you have sorted the bugs out i can visit mage without restarting my phone lol
  10. You guys should make an update on apple devices such as wen you scout ppl let us see buildings like on android!
  11. Agree about the ca edit And can't see no different with the attack button
  12. support
  13. It's a very minor change with placement (only a few pixels) but makes it less likely to accidentally hit world chat.

  14. ow ok iv done that many times lmao thank you keep up the great work
  15. Hey DEVS how about you respond to this questions: Can I have an ETA?
  16. On equipment
  17. im not a dev but i think the response will be "SOON" lol