Because i'm seriously starting to debate with myself if i should tear down my build since SH is much better
We're still working on addressing the issue with imbalance and SH's in EE and Wars in general. I can't give out any specifics just yet but we hope to have something in the near future for you that answers these questions.
And look at kaw community completely ignore everything people are saying like he can't see it. 4-5 replies about when they are available but OMG I can't see the outrage!
This gap is insane , i suggest you lower the cost of the other tiers Devs (HL/LL). Think about the 90% of KaW's players sometimes
I dont see whats the problem with SHs. If its because of the BFA, why not freeze allies for wars like they do with equipment?
LOWER THE COST OF HL. YOU LOWERED COST OF T4 WHEN HL LVL 3 CAME OUT. sorry for screaming, you needed it.
There is a thing about running a business and making money. Killing the game in the name of money is another. Since the time of release of HTE and how popular it became, all you see is money I guess. There was no other plausible reason to release this upgrade. Why? Because you will make money off of people wanting to upgrade when they do more mindless HTEs. Frankly, the players are just as much at fault for feeding money down their throat and every other hole. Now sit back and watch this ruin the game because the gap just got so wide that mostly everyone is already going to give up. It is not about waiting the due course of time for your growth. The issue is that these Apes have not done anything that the community wanted. They keep being lap dancers for the paying LB. You cant wait forever to get to build complete. There has to be an achieveable and a logical timeline to get to that goal. I di want to be build complete one day, not after 10 years!! These apes are driving me nuts with all this unwanted crap they keep throwing at us. Do you even ask the players what they want? Oh wait! You do, but you dont do anything about that. A good example being this noob you hired called Kaw_Community. 90% replies are complaining about why this was released. But guess what, instead of having the courage to reply to any of those he keeps hopping like an ass replying about when the update is going to be out. This is not even funny anymore!