This is the worse thing you guys could do if you want to get and keep new players. Also good way to kill off system pvp even more. Way to think with your lizard brains you thinking apes.
The other day i was waiting for my coffee at Starbucks. When they said my order was ready, I went to the counter to get my cup of coffee. When I arrived, they said "It will be ready in a few minutes. Just be patient." That didnt really happen devs. You are the only hacks who get away with stuff like that.
I bet all the hate on this thread gets ignored. What we see. 'OMG more updates to further the gap we don't need this **** where are the pvp updates!?' What kaw admin and the crew see 'I love you devs you always give us what we want and you never fail to listen to all our ideas. Please please take our hard earned money' True story