Hello fellow kawers, Breast Cancer awareness month is just around the corner in October. As we all know, thousands die every month from cancer, and countless more are affected by it. To show that the kaw community cares as a whole, I'd like to suggest that ATA develop a banner reflecting our support and concern (ie. a pink banner). Previously we purchased crystals and ATA donated proceeds to certain charities and we in turn received a badge. Perhaps this time we could buy crystals and ATA could provide us with pink banners that we could equip to show our support. Hoping a few will support the idea, thanks for reading!
To be perfectly honest I think we should have a multi coloured banner for all types of cancer... As I know quite a few people suffering from all types of cancer One being my grandad so I fully support this idea and would where the banner with pride
Support. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. And the banners would be epic.
Support, this is a great idea! Maybe have a Breast Cancer Fundraiser like the Immunity Project and Philippines Donation. Could donate the proceeds to Cancer Units or something.
SUPPORT.. We recently rolled out HD DI monitors and software to better detect breast cancer early stages.. We (as a whole) are progressing significantly in early detection, treatment, support and prevention aspects of Cancer and people are getting more educated and involved in early detection.. WE CAN AND WILL BEAT CANCER️
Males do get breast cancer as well, I would encourage people of all genders to attempt to avoid complacency in regards to breast cancer