After experiencing Fangs,moths,and feathers,I have come up with a new idea for events. Instead of having random long events during seasons/holidays,why not have a week-long event on the last week of every month. There can be war events,pvp events AND EB EVENTS! That way everyone is happy and it doesn't take too long. Ideas for war events Have a point system and in every ee war,points are distributed like mithril but the losing team also gets a good amount of points,points only count for how well you performed in ear rather than counting on whether you win or not or the kinds of actions you did. Ideas for pvp event Every time you attack/steal/assass/scout the more points you receive,(in all three points are basically what feathers are).Scouts will not give you many points to prevent exploits but steals will give most points Ideas for EB events... Well not really any ideas just do same thing ur doing but have more ebs drop more feathers andand have them last a week. Let me know what you guys think or how this can be improved And oh yeah instead of events for holidays,give use free rewards
This isn't a message to just you... All you folks who think your idea is original it's not! There's a thread in active topics already, so why make another? Look into things before posting please
We get a free health crystal every holiday. Having an event every week would male equipment undervalued in the possible future equipment market if there is to be one.(fingers crossed!) -AppIe
Still, people would not think as highly of equipment, if there was too much of it out there, and it all being around same cs. -AppIe
I never said there was equipment rewards lol,devs can decide on what they think rewards should be but these are base ideas
C'mon reaper, you're blocking us from seeing all of the quality threads that are consistently popping up!