Hi There, Mr. Burns here. You may recognize me from such shows as The Simpsons, ee wars, or eb fairy loving, sod consuming, sleep depriving events such as the Great Quetzal Massacre of 2014. We all love these events, right? well...not exactly. Every event we will complain on and on about various things, no matter what the devs do right or wrong. The #1 thing I always read though is "What about PVP?!?!" Well here is my idea... The Officially Unofficial (but hopefully will be official) PVP Event of 2014 This event is simple. Participants would receive or lose battle points (or whatever weird thing the devs decide to drop this time) only by attacking or stealing from other players. That's right!!! Real PVP. In order to receive battle points the target would also have to have gold out, thus reducing alt/inactive farming, encouraging strip farming and allowing OSW clans to get some rewards too. Additionally players would lose a small percentage of their battle points (like they do today) whenever someone successfully attacks/steals from them. What are the prizes you ask? Well they could be anything...gold bars, inferno, mith, equip, etc. My personal suggestion would be to have a new set of eq that could be purchased with the battle points at any time during the event, similar to mith eq but with different stats and pretty pictures. This allows people who want to go for broke and hit the big eq to do so and the little guys to pick up stuff too. Best of all it allows people to get the equipment they want/need out of the event! If you have suggestions, support, or just wanna trash talk the guy above you...go right on ahead...it's a game forum for crying out loud.
same way you do it today...scout bomb them into oblivion with your friends *I made an edit that I forgot to post before in the OP that when you attack someone they also lose a portion of their points so when the pure spy has gold out from a steal you simply att farm them to get your points back. it's the exact same dynamics and mechanics as regular PVP are today just with rewards. what's not to love?
Change the bright yellow please can't really read it without straining very hard and it's alot to read that way
But aren't seasonal wars already the pvp event? Like chaos wars that's pvp and you get a reward already