15 minutes

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xXP_3Xx_SkrIIlex_xXP_3Xx, May 2, 2014.

  1. Hello forums! I understand this has been brought up before... but the 15 minute wait before an epic battle begins either needs to be removed or shortened. Even if it was 5-10 minutes it would he better! Just an idea
  2. God.

    This has been brought up SO many times before. I'm sorry to tell you that it won't happen anytime soon. I am sorry.
  3. If its been brought up before then why must you fill active topics with another post? Why not post on one already established.
  4. It won't happen.
  5. The 15 minute wait it to give players a chance to regen without being thrust into another eb and not being able to even hit it.
  6. I understand that.. but even make an option when initiaiting the epic battle? That'd even be better and I assure you it'd make kaw-munity happier
  7. It's not about making players happy, it's about freedom of choice. Other than that it is a minor inconvenience the majority of KAW ignores. If there was no regeneration period inbetween EBs, the opposite demand would be asked for. So does this idea sound helpful? Yes, but the Developers will probably never fix minor problems unless it is a glitch, hack, or unfair advantage.
  8. Plus it'll incredibly widen the gap between new players and larger players. So much more gold would suddenly be in KaW.
    Which would mean more inflation, and therefore larger stats with costly buildings, an even more inflated ally market, and an even bigger gap between smaller and larger players.

    Imagine ACTUALLY having B2B HTE's? You could hit the EB 24 hours a day.
  9. But it gives you enough time to save 15% or more on car insurance!!
  10. They should have a 8 eb a day rule...
  11. Oh yes please a timer you could choose yourself. Imagine a jagg admin just putting it on 24 hours, and only way to ff is to kick admin
  12. Yes, sure, like it isnt enough of a pay to play already, improve this fact by removing the only thing that appears to prevent the sealers from doing item phases every 5 min (thats 30b roughly). Imagine the gaps betwen big(or lb) and small players, they will be even greater if this thing gets implemented
  13. What about a faster regen time, depending on your levels, like if you are in top 50 pimd, it's only 10 seconds per regen, and for below, it's like 1 minute
  14. what about playing the game as it is and not worrying about arbitrary things that affect everyone equally?!!:)
  15. come on devs... this will benefit you... no 15min = more xtalling (probably) = $$$
  16. Let us save some time shall we...

    Forums: lets remove eb timer.
    Forums: lets nerf any class that wins wars!
    kaw_admin: New Collection Event!
    Forums: ( insert unfairness of paying/non paying arguments)

    Welcome to Kingdoms At War. :D
  17. not only will it not happen, its set at 15 mins because thats the amount of troops needed to get a payment/feathers/whatever hit any lower than 20 acctions, really no point hitting
  18. No support