Any fund raising effort for any disaster is always going to be debated as "worthy of the effort". You will always have people gauging previous disasters in comparison - as we do here. What I say to those who are looking at tsunami victims and those effected by the tornadoes in south central United States as more important: Donate where you feel people need it most, if you can donate at all. You don't need ATA or any company to start a fund to donate your money to help. There is always a way to contribute...just do a little research. But I do support the OP. It is tragic. And I would love to see another ATA proceed donation to the efforts in Afghanistan. There are hundreds of thousands of good people there who need help.
It's really sad how people can find the death of 2000 people amusing. I am Afghan.. Holman has shown how ignorant Americans truly are .. I don't see why you're so surprised Afghans hate you. We're only human. We don't hate all Americans. Just those that seek to harm us. RIP to those innocent souls in Afghanistan may they forever find peace.
Yea..r.i.p all innocents who passed because of that if I wasn't atheist I would pray for them and their family
Holman,go disgrace yourself and your country elsewhere you ignorant cretin. I have 0 respect for people like yourself.
Kings-Mash I dont think Holman showed how ignorant Americans are. He showed how ignorant he is. There are evil and ignorant people from every nationality, creed, race. They find joy and celebrate in the misery and death of others. They relish in the destrucion of innocents. Holman kills and support the killing of innocents. His immorality is his own. It does not reflect the noble values of other Americans. Like Afghans, Americans seek peace and happiness. Do not take him as an example of other Americans.
@brood I apologise if I caused offence, I was just responding to the hurtful comments I saw here, of course he doesn't represent the entire American population. Most Americans are decent folk and then there's a few bad apples on the tree as there are in all races. But then there are also people like Holman who go all out trying to cause as much damage to as many people he can at once. And until someone stands up to that person they will believe they're winning. We are all human, and i believe that we shouldn't discriminate within one another. No matter which country we're from. America ... England ... We're so multicultural nowadays, we're just hurting ourselves.
I fail to see how Holman represents any other American besides himself. He's an idiot, but if I took the opinion of one person and judged an entire country, the world would be idiotic. As an American that fought in Afghanistan, I can attest to the beauty and charm of the (non-Taliban) people there.
Willy I think everyone knows this is only one person full of hate, myself I think the American people are a caring loving nation
Thank you Willy, reading your post and the OP's post has restored my faith in humanity again . Respect ️. Whether Kaw arranges a fundraiser or not I'll be searching appropriate aid agencies to donate my money.
Oh GOOD GOD!!!! You know what's idiotic ? Dumbass liberals that loves everyone.....even the enemy. "I served in Afghanistan. It's such a beautiful dust bowl with their beautiful nasty ppl that want us dead". You can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink applies here. You can show your kindness to these ppl but as soon as you leave they go right back to hating us. Its a region built of fear and hate. How is that beautiful?
We had a mud slide that killed ppl and some are still missing. I'm going to pray for them. I worry about my ppl in my country. Not some other crap hole country. Pray for our victims not theirs.
I'm not American, but I felt shocked and saddened when that gun freak killed all those school children in America a year or so ago. No child deserves to be murdered, American, Afghan or whatever. It's incredibly disappointing to see some people not caring about anyone but themselves. Someone forum ban these fools already.
Oh I care about my ppl in my country. I help my ppl in my country. I pray for ppl in my country. I care that my country thrives and survives the **** storm that those counties throw at us. Really all you bleeding heart liberals should get your own country. Run it the way you want. You can tell everyone there how to act , feel, and not pray( you don't believe). You can walk around in sandals and bark orders. Then you guys can take all your own money and give it to ppl that hate your guts. Fundraise your own money for foreign affairs, since you don't feel their are far worse problems in your own country.
Boo friggin.hoo.... you served in Afghanistan and the people you were trying to kill hate you and the country you come from. How stupid of them,I'm sure if the US was illegally invaded you would roll out the welcome mat for them