Out of everyone who had 15,000 or more feathers as of 12PM PDT today a lucky 100 players were randomly selected to receive 2 x Seal of the Damned and 2500 x Quetzal Feathers. Congratulations to the following lucky players: lll____Matt____lll -AoW-afreeman212 BLIND_ASSASSIN_420 FunkyChicken xEoL-ESxlOridantelxES-EoLx TheItalianAwesome23 -Ninjawarrior- Westi- FuiFung adonice13 huier golden-tulip lay-down-and-die kingofking70 -_-Little_MoNsTeR-_- BraveLionheart GGoblin ResetDaily DeliriumTrigger2113 _-_Dat_SlCnlSS_DragQueen_-_ Lance4221 ---Ragusa--- OC-__PARAClTE__-OC MrGreenThumb Crehate johnny691 xX__GrizAttack__Xx Griego Fish_on Klaytonell lil-EV3Ns-lil KathyYL kingalt 9211 Blackadder haochi FaMulan ardbegRouse AM_Grimalkine_AM Grimsel Priincesss UBitesTheDust amentus PoopieBumBoy _Demonic_Blade_ BlueCupcake howmuchdoesitcostforjustthetip M0rgana -_TrAiN_-_WrEcK_- _ZhuGeLiang_ Coumar iMyoURpHoBia dRuNKenGoDDesS XxDaRkSkYaSsAsSiNxX XX_TE_ASTRAEAS_SB_XX -GodsGift- Starsaber yb-killer kelbert KnightHenke -_stud_muffin_- MP_Jumparoooo_ZE IlxlI_Elric_IlxIl littleminx eliotng IxI-Gh0sT_Dr4g0n-IxI lIl__TH3_F4II3N__Ill Tmacstyle dvante -Quagmire- Lord_Sean_of_Wandg the-rOo KA___ttthtl-tj-cb___KA texano Nikkita321 IIILRBIITAFFIILRBIII -Jewelianna- WHITEBEAUTY Hookandlateral Dave1227 baddsanta xXx-Tigrou-French-Knight-xXx fisherman21 I-M_westhammer_I-M NJV13 crying-dante CAS_Breit Arcking1923 LexaV Kastyr The_Macedonian_ Jubungo o0o__lR-lE-i-G-lN__o0o FredMcGriff KillerKiwi slayer098 freizy88 The_YUV_Man Firecracker6 HorseThief
Congratulations to all winners!! I see bluecupcake won! Congrats too Please guys. Dont complain. Best luck next event
Congrats winners and once again the unluckiness of the snowman is strong but can't wait for my 90k club banner