So u are saying all military thinks just kill em all? So every 5yr old kid u see, u look at like a terrorist?
Well when they are carrying an AK 47. What do u think. I don't expect you to understand being a civilian you just form your opinions off what u see on cnn. Join the marines do a few tours overseas then come post how u feel. Don't be a paper pusher either. Go 0311 like a real man so you get to be knee deep in the ****.
It has nothing to do with that. This isn't about combatants. You are celebrating the fact that a village got swallowed up. Maybe u are eaten up from war. I'm sorry if u are. That sucks.
Holding that much hate against innocents for the crimes of others is what drives terrorists. Maybe u should try to elevate yourself above that level for your own mental health. Just a thought.
Im former military and now teach International Relations and Security at the university. Deaths are to be mourned not celebrated. TFS it is one thing to dislike a group of people due to their race or nation. To dislike based on race is racism. I dislike racists but Holman's comments go beyond simple racism. He celebrated the deaths of civillians. Let us reverse the perspective. Lets say a thousand civillians die in an earthquake in CA. Someone starts a thread to mourn the deaths. Another person comes on the thread and celebrate the deaths. He goes on to post that it is good that American civillians died so that they do not become soldiers and kill his countrymen. Or take actions in support of the military. It is fine to disagree with the op. disagree with the military and non military political narratives. But to celebrate the death of civillians is detestable. And to justify it by claiming he killed Afghan civillians places both moral and criminal accusations against the military. Holman you are a disgrace.
Let me guess brood you were a lean mean box kicking machine. And it's a free country. I can hate whom ever I choose. If this was a thread about America I would support it but it's not the Iraqis and afgans didn't seem too concerned with killing my buddies and given the chance they would do the same to us. I seen it first hand. As far a being a disgrace. Tell that to my honorable discharge and retirement pay. Ask a Vietnam vet how they feel about there war opponents. You'll get the same response. I don't need your judgment the medals on my uniform tell me all I need to know.
And I don't care what religion these people are. I hate everyone equally. Did work in Kuwait and don't have a problem with them.
The beauty of the internet. Say hateful things with no worries of consequences. Go die under a rock with your hatred.
If you were not murdering innocent civilians perhaps they would not take it upon themselves to fight back, and maybe your friends would still be alive. What is so pathetic is how you tar everybody with the same brush.
It is a business, not a charity. Although it is saddening what happened, it happens much more than people know.
Yeye and lets not care about all the people who are starving in africa because one of them may be a killer.Good way of thinking mate.