SH BFA preferance

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ValarMorghulis, May 4, 2014.

  1. Tbh. While it's sad sh's mechs are being used for easy wins as they are, its no different then any other "exploit" the player base gets in too. Example spy builds where never ment to happen but are now here to stay. Pw's was a loop hole in the sw set up that people greatly 'farmed' to get easy/quick gains..
    More recently there was a glitch when tearing down some buildings that made you quick $ faster then other options... Quite a few model clans used it to further themselves in strips or just in general(Ig for example). Hell even a mod played with that one and got in trouble.

    Sh is just more of the same... Pw's where more open to every one but only the osf's got the tax. N depending how you did it osfing was pretty easy. Same concept. Minimal work. Greater pay every one else gets so so at maybe winning.
  2. So much hate on sh. Ffs hate the system not the players. This game is adapt and overcome or get **** on by the people that do. If you dont like sh, heres a thought: DONT USE THEM. :lol: just dont cry when they crush you in EE.
    Now on topic, i prefer very attk heavy bfa with only a little bit of spy. Reasoning is simple. I rarely fail ass on anyone but sh killers and my bfe keeps me safe from 1/2 of inc ass. I prefer that 60mil off a mid than a failed inc. Just my 2 cents
  3. Hansels where not always leaky btw... Players fault not the build unless you have at least 25% spies... You can't touch a banked hansel. Sh make hansels leaky atm. But before when it was attack/tank heavy? Hell no
  4. Well good luck in going for spy bfa.

    See ya in battlefield
  5. If we are talking about pure hansels, those fucks were always leaky.

    Tower hansels still can be used in EE, just you'll need more ADT and BFA then before.
  6. Forget sh! Lets just use all Bigs!... Oh dear we match warlor,zaft,battlegrounds and all those clans using LB... Lets go Bigs and sh!...oh wait we match a sh clan...

    Devs should just make a new system, this one un fixable
  7. Only way to fix ee is to make bfa void. All bigs will be same range, no super sh. But devs dont the balls to do that type of ee. I wonder why...
  8. support
  9. @ Freefood, most sh don't hit mids during war because mids are pretty non existent in wars, it would just go back to sh hitting sh and bigs hitting bigs. Sh build would still be around. But the chances of them making BFA and BFE void in EE is negative 100%.
  10. I said bfa not bfe. Without bfa it will be a even playing field. Why those rh always win? They got 1 huge lb. Why they lose? Other clan had a bigger lb than them. That happens with all clans on all sizes. Its just a luck based match up system. Whoever has the bigger LB or overall players will win.

    But this is not the thread for ee rants my bad .

    I prefer spy bfa on sh since like you said mids are non existent