Simple solution Stated many times. Every kingdom must have troops to cast. Every build has a minimum attack value (45-50m) kills any exploit all builds relevant and any clan can war a natural or current exploit roster and stand a fair chance. Problem players will always look for an exploit. Developers won't put in a simple change that would even up and balance the ee war system. Answer aside from a few dedicated lb and sad people that drop build to do ee wars everyone else is excluded and doesn't care less anymore about ee wars. Devs have excluded many players from getting mith Players losing interest in ee and kaw as a result Means without change we either end up with kingdoms at chasing feathers etc promos or kingdoms at eb fairies because most of us aren't going to drop build or give a damn about a massively flawed warred system.
The thing is there are'nt only SH rosters. Other clans still field big rosters. We have just become dependent on SH for plunder works n bigs for tanking. Just war two LB n 2 bigs with bfa more than trillions n mids if u like then u wont get any full Sh roster i hope
KEEP IN MIND THAT A FULL BAR OF FAIL ATTACKS TAKES 16% (oops caps) of the defenders troop bar. If you are matched with a roster where they have a few big tanks and you have 6/7 attacks, fail pinning your smallest attacks and or hansels will make those tanks much more hittable. Fail pin for the win.
Good point, Spilatch bro. Fail attacks indeed make opponents lose troops too. However, mids and smaller tanks, when matched against LB tanks may not do much damage especially in a 01 hour format
A LB tank (in top 50) would ideally make about 50-60 mil plunder per hit, by simply skimming on mids during the war. Mids on the other hand, would try to fail attack on him,trying to reduce his troops. Under normal conditions, a LB would ideally end up making about 2-3 bil in a 01 hour war. While the mids are fail attacking the LB, opponent SSH weaken the 4-5 mids, and gain more plunder in the process. Thus, even if the LB gets koed at the end, he ends up leaking somewhere around 300-400 mil after being koed.
These rosters are not "ruining" ee. I absolutely hate matching clans who have 2-3 who can't hit. 1. It isn't fair to them, and 2. 8v11 is so boring! The clans who stacked lb and sh who unequip to get a much easier match can no longer do that, making it easier for newer clans to start, and using heavily towered mids are now the best way to counter these rosters (hint hint ). Some of the most fun wars I have ever been in are the 11v11 sh or the 11 sh v 10 sh and 1 sh killer build. Not only are we evenly matched, but the winners aren't determined at the matchup. Everyone can win on everyone, so it's a completely fair matchup. The winners are determined by skill, not who's paid the most to get onto the lb, or who can stack the best roster. On another note: The sh/gh build has been abused for 2 seasons now. We have been used to get away from bigger clans. We were allowed to war whenever, mostly getting easy wins and building up equipment. Eventually we were told we couldn't use that equipment to get even easier matches. To those who abused this build, YOU are to blame. These rosters would never find a match if it weren't for the bfe you helped us build. You used us to stack for easy wins, now complain when we "stack" to do the same? Just something to think about. ️
True. You would be doing no damage plunder wise , however if two 5/5 attacks and a hansel dump all troops or most on an lb, that lb will be close to 50% troop not including any fluke wins and the lbs own attacks . So while we may not gain plunder from that, now my cr 1 is full troops, and will have much easier time hitting their cr 1. Of course depending on how big the lb is. But even so. That lb at 50% will be more apprehensive to use his troops. Giving you an advantage. And if the lb does unload and xtal to full. Immediately xtal your fail pinners and do the same thing ! Then use spies to ass sh. This post brought to you by helpful hints for non lb/sh roster stacking association
And just a side note I fully support all sh rosters. They may be the saving grace in war as lb sh stacking scare-dy cats are afraid to match them.
Wow Spilatch, that indeed is a good alternative of countering such a roster... Crisp and to the point ! Cheers !!
Good too see a valid discussion brought to the table without the incessant whining. Nice clean thread
Full support! Glad to see relevant information and a voice to speak! let us all hope that devs post on this thread to show acknowledgement of the problems they continue to ignore!