Haunting The Escape Achievement

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Im4d3y0Ur34d7hI5, May 4, 2014.

  1. for once i actually agree with killzone its an needless achievement that would waste devs time to implement when they could use the time to improve on notable flaws in game now, no support for little kid thread
  2. Now I dont see a reason this should be done...

    I was just making a statement haha.

    Should've read where someone else already said that though.. My bad lmfao.
  3. There is already an achievement. It's part of the haunting series eb.
  4. Besides, HTE and RotW were originally promo's. The devs decided to leave them to get us to buy xtals and nobility.
  5. I support. It's a permanent eb now so why not? It's not going away
  6. If u can do fod u can do hte... No support