New Equipment - Growth incentive

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Davey_Jones, May 3, 2014.

  1. So I've made a suggestion like this before but I want to reinforce the idea. Currently all of the season equipment and mithril equipment is very highly attack oriented. I would like to see an update with defense oriented mithril equipment.

    However there is a catch. Rather than it just being a static defense bonus, I would like to see a percentage bonus with a minimum number it will drop to when zero troops/spies.

    Example: New mithril platebody
    Attack: 6m plus 5%
    Spy attack: 6m plus 5%
    Defense: 18m plus 7.5%
    Spy defense: 18m plus 7.5%

    Why do this? It gives players an incentive to grow. A factor totally absent in the current coarse of the game. The old equipment would still benefit smaller players more, but this idea would help balances raw stats with BFE.

    Why not make it zero static plus a larger percentage bonus? This equipment would be great for huge leaderboard players, but for anyone else who cannot maintain high troops or spies for a long period of time would be inadequate, making them practically equipmentless at low troops.

    Well that's my suggestion.

  2. How about minimum stat to use? would still encourage growth.
  3. This doesn't motivate growth.  It just gives LB players more equip no one else can get because the war system is flawed.
  4. Wouldn't be necessary: a 699k/699k/833k/833k account would receive little bonus from the percentage while a 15m cs account would.
  5. How about they make new noob equip which gives 5% plunder bonus.
  6. No support it would just unbalance the game further. All that would happen is lb would have huge bonus from full and even less would be able to war.
    Might as well just say split the lb into two clans and let them war while everyone else watches.
  7. Helps the noobs grow quicker and it should be like

    5% plunder
  8. That's a terrible idea aku