Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Because it hits back sometimes.
  2. @ Hunter

    This is a war game. Prior to epic battles, that was the only way to make gold.

    Now, we have epic battles, but some players enjoy the aspect of fighting another person.
  3. Well I hate the idea of farming, it's hard earned....and if this is a 9 game, why is there aggression?
  4. Hey! Welcome to the game! I followed you to guide you along :)
  5. It's a war game starchild. Stop being a fairy, we don't take kindly to them around here.
  6. how do we do sporavek returns what are the steps for the EB
  7. im just wondering if anyone could tell me why it doesnt tell u every time who defeated the battle in the update?
  8. Fast BB code fix ;P

    It's because KaW gets lazy sometimes.
  9. Ash im not 100% sure wht youre asking but im guessing you mean that it doesnt show who won a spy action. This is bc spies are meant to be hidden therefor you successfully dont get caught while farming. If thats not what youre asking please specify
  10. Oh wait *facepalm* epic battle? :lol: thts just bc KaW is lazy as **** :lol:
  11. lazy kaw check. makes sense .
  12. Simple reason. Sometimes two players hit at the same time so the logs dont actually show who hit last. It just says multiple people did by removing names.
  13. Right and sometimes I experience when I have bad service or KaW is really laggy it happens. But the usual is what Mango said, but lag effects my newsfeed and such a lot :)
  14. What is post count farming?
  15. Posting many times to up your post number. This is common in forum games.
  16. what build will grow you the fastest?
  17. Hmmm well arguably I've heard Hansel, but I personally think an attack build with good spies grows well. But that's just me.
  18. Would have to disagree with emeth. Sh is THE fastest way to grow no competition. From there, after you save up its quite easy to easily choose any build tht suits how you play
  19. I was SH for near two months and I grew like ****, unloaded hourly at least 10 unloads a day, in b2b Hte and haunting clans, paid trash. I make double with only half the unloads I do with my current build.
  20. But it may be different for some people, as I didn't do b2b HTE alone, I also did regular haunts and occasional recks(like every few ebs), but for me it paid trash.