enchants failing

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -TheDragonRider-, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. Is there some kind of method to enchanting? I got my bracers to 8 . I tried to go to 9 and they failed to 5. I got them back to 6. Today I tried to get them to 7 now they are at 3 thanks alot devs all that hard work getting inferno waisted. I'm really upset with this game right now. Ill never enchant my bracers ever again. If anyone knows any helpful methods to help enchant let me know. Other then that I give up on enchanting. I think the only way to beat the stupid fail system is to save until you have 10k inferno and 10k aqua. I'm sure you'll be able to max out something with that much. Other then that trying to enchant has proven to be a waist of time and gold and inferno.
  2. It's a little thing called patience it took me almost 15 inferno to get my ring to level 7 failed at level 3 all the time
  3. Support
  4. I'm not even going to try anymore. I'm done with enchants. Ill just try and win plus 10 equips from events from now on.
  5. I have heard that having full troops and restarting the app helps but I think it's just a myth and there's no evidence to support this
  6. Well I hate seeing my bracers at 3 I might try and get them back to 5 after this feather event ends but after that ill never touch them again until I have over 1000 inferno and 1000 aqua.
  7. No its just certain equipment tends to fail/drop/reset more than other, my exo maxed with only 2 fails while my icetail failed 12 times so far for 11, its just luck after all, never tried those full troop techniques tho
  8. Dude trust me ok just do it 1 enchant a day it works better :)
  9. Took me a week to full enchant ring In the end but 1 a day have me 0 fails :)
  10. Yes the Mage sucks.... We all know this but it's intended to take a while for you to upgrade your gear. That way you have something to work for besides just gold... But once again yes the Mage does suck we all know
  11. Kill the Mage!!!!
  12. Fail system is useful. Makes the gamer harder. It's like the casinos. Well.... a little. Who care if you stop upgrading them? I don't think devs will change it to 100% success.
  13. Let see...

    7/12 maxed equipments

    3 of them are near being maxed

    2 are far from the Max level.

    Yet you still whine about it???
  14. Moth equipment only ones i have not maxed, i just built up a stock and kept going til they maxed.

    Only eb eq. I dont have is the newest helm.
  15. Give it time between enchants.
    Spam = drop/reset
    Time = higher success rate.

    I did my exoskeleton once a week never failed or dropped. My friend did it a bunch of times at once and it dropped twice.
  16. Here's the best way to max level enchanting:
    1. Get equip that you can enchant.
    2. Get aqua and inferno.
    3. Enchant equip.
    4. If it fails keep trying.
    Step 5 is optional: Go to forums and cry about it. Op, it seems you've completed all of the steps, maybe some more crying will help.
  17. I got greaves to ten without a fail