I like this idea. I'd like an equipment modifier to up the success rate of enchants at the very least.
Naturally this is the main reason why I would never purchase Aqua or Inferno. It appears many other players find this aspect of the game as unnecessarily frustrating as I do.
My Mage is awesome.. Got almost all my equipment to max with only a single fail. That's including the greaves that everyone hated ️
I would do him a lot of horrible thongs and people will just know what I did by looking into my eyes.
My village wanted to burn him at the stake but he used up all our inferno on resetting my eqp. So we decided to drown him in our river if aqua. Persistent basterd survived.
When the Mage, Mr. IHateYourFace came to town, I thought he was a good guy. Turned out that for a while he was. Then I asked him to enchant a sword while he was drunk. He ended up stabbing himself and failing the enchant, but this was useful because I could bring in a new Mage. His name was Mr. IHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing
I like. Agreed there shouldn't be a drop or at least make it a very minimal drop rate like nobility from quests but I wanna give the Mage a couple good kicks to the...... Ehmmmm... Yeah
This is an awesome idea! Or better u could build the mage as a sort of "boss" when u hit him and drain his life points to 0 u have like 10h of higher succes chances in enchanting
What I got out of that was "Beat the old man within an inch of his life (0, or kill him?) and maybe he'll work better". You'd think improving his living conditions would help him work better, not beating on him.