Ability to attack the Mage!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Tzford, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. I want a new quest like system to attack the Mage when he fails an enchantment to get some Inferno back since Inferno Drops are far and in between now.
  2. An interesting idea but i dont believe it should drop anything but it would be a good way to vent anger at mage
  3. Support for farming the Mage .... Mine is currently locked up in castle dungeon
  4. My Mage is being crucified right now.

    I plan on dipping him in acid afterwards.
  5. Support!!!
  6.  support my Mage deserves a humiliating public execution.
  7. So much support is needed :lol: For torture let him try getting aqau and inferno and get fail enchants
  8. I don't even have him unlocked, but I still give support from the terrible stories I've heard!
  9. One does not simply attack the Mage
  10. Why not farming the Oracle? Xtals, seals and Nobs 
  11. I want this he reset my arms yet again :evil:
  12. My Mage has yet to fail me....but if he does!
  13. Death to the magician!
    -squire tells me we still need him for upgrading equipment-

    Torture him until he gets it right the first time!!!
  14. Support lets **** the mage
  15. My Mage is awesome :( I don't want to hurt him... Search on eBay it kregs list
  16. Give that mage a painful life

    Let him/her regret that he/she was ever born 
  17. My kingdom voted to execute the Mage by fire.
    But we lack the ability to use fire :(