Another CHAOS WARS Match up Fix.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Jackiechan, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Over the last few weeks more and more ppl seem to have fallen into the FULL ROSTER 11 SH setup, maybe due to the fact that its the only way they can gain the upper hand in the current system. Good on them if they have found a way that suits their style of warring at the present time. Now, for the possible fix to allow LB,Bigs,Mids,Hansels and the current SH's to war in a more even system.
    Point 1 - Sign up criteria.
    Currently owner/admin sign the clan up once the warring criteria has been met for any given war(11 v11) Change the sign up criteria as follows:Use of Raw CS for initial sign up.
    Let's say CR1 has cast(and is an Ally LB top 200) and his cs are 27m, the smallest player cs that then can cast for that clan is 50% cs of the strongest(13.5m)And any builds In between.
    If that initial cs criteria isn't met then sign up is not available. If the criteria is met, u get to sign up as normal.
    Then the current match up formulas can take effect factoring in BFA\BFE.
    Not only will this eliminate LB/SH clans, but also full SH roster mismatches.
  2. This would also create tiered match ups within the current system allowing any size type of build an equal chance to war, especially in there home clan.
  3. Support, Great post
  4.  "Like"
  5. support buddy 
  6. Maybe another thing to factor in is the DTW/DTS control point. Changing its range between 1/2 of an individuals CS to 2x there stats.
    So if u have 18m cs ur range will be 9m - 36m cs(factored in for any future higher tier build/upgrades)
  7. Interesting..Support 
  8. Cool points so Support
  9. Support, I'd like to see some Beta testing done with those implemented.
  10. I guess nobody is interested in getting match ups sorted. Everyone deflated after endless threads on the matter.
  11. Here is a solution soo simple.

    Step 1; find a clan who also wants to war.

    Step 2; put together almost completely identical rosters.

    Step 3; you should now have an even war with that clan as they are the closest match to you. If it doesn't work it just means devs are matching based off overall roster
  12. Rather than build for build
  13. Another great idea,
  14. @Shark, the system is so bad that you will not get match doing that. We have tryed 6 times and only match once.
  15. My name is Wake and I support this thread
  16. Anything is better than the current match up system now full roster SH ruling wars